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Project duration: 2025-01-01 - 2027-06-30

Campus Mobility Rosenheim Traunstein

CaMoRoT aims to realize the exemplary implementation of an innovative overall concept of various operational mobility measures.

Digitale Transformation digitale Technologien Klimaschutz Mobilität Mobilitätsmanagement Nachhaltigkeit Übergreifend

Project duration: 2024-10-01 - 2027-09-30

EI Smart Factory Inntal: Education platform to support digital transformation

Digital transformation is an important step in the fourth industrial revolution. With the buzzword Industry 4.0, processes and tasks are being digitized or mapped virtually in order to ensure competitiveness.
Overall lead for THRO input THRO: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Fabian Riß

Digitale Transformation digitale Technologien Industrie 4.0 KMU 4.0

Project duration: 2024-10-01 - 2025-03-31

Empathy and success

Use of findings from empathy research, including from research areas in psychology and neurology, to further develop brand management and the management of brand experiences.
Project lead THRO: Prof. Dr. Janett Höllmüller

Digitale Transformation Gesundheitsmanagement Gesundheit, Sozialer Wandel und Wohlergehen

Project duration: 2024-09-01 - 2027-08-31

Leverage synergy by cyber-physical systems for the convergence of the eco systems mobility, infrastructure and energy in the circular economy for the Society 5.0

Cynergy4MIE is a European project with the aim of revolutionizing the industrial landscape by integrating basic technologies, cross-sectional technologies and key application areas.
Project lead THRO: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Noah Klarmann

Digitale Transformation digitale Technologien Nachhaltigkeit Produktionstechnik

Project duration: 2024-09-01 - 2026-08-31

kAeMu - Qualification of employees in Bavarian small and medium-sized enterprises with regard to additive manufacturing

By establishing and consolidating a network for additive manufacturing, employees in Bavaria are to receive further training.
Project lead THRO: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Fabian Riß

Digitale Transformation 3D Druck Additive Fertigung digitale Technologien Produkte und Produktion Prozesstechnik Prozess- und Verfahrenstechnik Werkstofftechnik Werkstofftechnik und Materialwissenschaft

Project duration: 2024-04-01 - 2026-03-31

digi.peer - Digital peer mentoring in the context of a literature and research workshop in the Bachelor's degree program in Social Work

In the digital teaching project digi.peer, students in peer groups are to learn how to use digital future skills when writing their academic theses.
Project lead THRO: Prof. Dr. Edeltraud Botzum

Digitale Transformation Lehre Übergreifend

Project duration: 2024-04-01 - 2026-03-31

Freiraum 2023_Feedback based on Analytics of Teaching and Studying meets Individual Coaching (FANTASTIC)

The FANTASTIC project combines AI-generated feedback with the pedagogy of learning and teaching and the didactics as three essential levels of support in order to improve the learning behavior and thus the and thus the academic success of students in a forward-looking way.

Digitale Transformation Lehre Pädagogik Übergreifend

Project duration: 2024-04-01 - 2025-01-31

Innovation management Inn_Salzach

Identifying the needs and requirements of regional SMEs with regard to transformation processes (sustainability, circular economy, artificial intelligence, etc.)

Digitale Transformation Change Management Gesundheit Gesundheitsmanagement KMU 4.0 Kreislaufwirtschaft Nachhaltigkeit Sozialer Wandel und Wohlergehen

Project duration: 2024-01-01 - 2028-12-31

RO-BERTA4: Continuation of RO-BERTA

The RO-BERTA project supports the Rosenheim hail defense by processing weather data from the German Weather Service as a "hail navigator" for the pilots.
Project lead THRO: Prof. Dr. M.Sc. Peter Zentgraf

Digitale Transformation Hagelabwehr Hagelflieger

Project duration: 2023-10-01 - 2026-09-30

Electromagnetic susceptibility of MEMS microphones

The project aims to understand the effect of interfering, high-frequency coupling in a microphone installed in a mobile device (e.g. smartphone, tablet) and to reduce it by means of suitable measures.
Overall lead for THRO input THRO: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Matthias Winter

Digitale Transformation Automatisierung Mechatronik Produkte und Produktion

Centre for Research, Development and Transfer

Technische Hochschule Rosenheim

Hochschulstraße 1
83024 Rosenheim


Support of publications

M.A. Laura Scholz

T +49 (0) 8031 / 805 - 2689