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Project duration: 2023-11-01 - 2025-10-31

Climate neutrality through networking in neighborhoods

Analysis and tool development for the development of transformation pathways to climate neutrality with the help of low-temperature networks in neighborhoods.
Overall lead for THRO input THRO: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Isabell Nemeth, Prof. Dr. Jochen Stopper

Klimaschutz Bauen, Planen und Energie energieeffiziente Gebäude Energieeffizienz Klimawandel nachhaltiges Bauen Nachhaltigkeit

Project duration: 2023-07-01 - 2026-06-30

Collaborative project junior research group: Regionally occurring residues and renewable raw materials as peat substitutes: processing - use - evaluation; sub-project 2: processing and process optimization

The core topic of the junior research group is the testing of new peat substitutes based on regional waste materials and renewable raw materials, as well as the expansion of possible uses for materials already in use.
Sub-project lead THRO: Prof. Dr. Andreas Michanickl

Klimaschutz Bioökonomie Holztechnik Holztechnologie Nachhaltigkeit Ressourceneffizienz

Project duration: 2023-04-01 - 2026-03-31

ReBi - Ressourceneffiziente Bauteilinnovation durch additive Fertigungsverfahren im bayerischen und österreichischen Grenzraum

Sub-project lead THRO: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Fabian Riß

Klimaschutz Additive Fertigung Digitale Transformation Produkte und Produktion Ressourceneffizienz

Project duration: 2023-02-01 - 2026-01-31

KSK: Climate protection management Rosenheim Technical University of Applied Sciences - follow-up project

Within the framework of the BMWK-funded project, the measures described in the climate protection concept for achieving the climate protection goals of the Rosenheim Technical University of Applied Sciences are to be implemented or initiated. The overarching goal is to make the university to achieve climate neutrality by 2040.
Sub-project lead THRO: Prof. Dr. Harald Krause

Klimaschutz Bautechnik Energieeffizienz

Project duration: 2022-09-01 - 2024-02-29

Cool*Alps - TAB goes Green Deal

Project lead THRO: Prof. Dr. Harald Krause

Klimaschutz Alpines Bauen Bauen, Planen und Energie Energieeffizienz Energietechnik Klimawandel

Project duration: 2022-01-01 - 2023-12-31

React-EU_Wärmepumpe: Klimaneutrale Gebäude mit Wärmepumpen

Klimaschutz Bauen, Planen und Energie Energieeffizienz Energietechnik Nachhaltigkeit Wärmepumpe

Project duration: 2011-01-01 - 2015-06-30

Monitoring NES: Eine Militärbrache auf dem Weg zur Nullenergiestadt

Project lead THRO: Prof. Mathias Wambsganß

Klimaschutz Bautechnik Energieeffizienz Energietechnik

Centre for Research, Development and Transfer

Technische Hochschule Rosenheim

Hochschulstraße 1
83024 Rosenheim


Support of publications

M.A. Laura Scholz

T +49 (0)8031 / 805 - 2689