Responsive image

Project duration: 2023-12-01 - 2025-01-31

Development of a wooden traffic sign bridge TTS - Bridge

Within the scope of the project a traffic sign bridge made of wood is being constructed. Of particular of particular importance is the development of suitable monitoring and monitoring systems to record the load-bearing behavior. Furthermore, the the location of the traffic sign gantry, in the directly weathered outdoor area and with high high de-icing salt ingress, special attention must be paid to structural wood protection with the appropriate choice to pay particular attention to the wood species used.

Bauen Bautechnik Bioökonomie und Holztechnologie Planen und Energie

Project duration: 2023-11-01 - 2025-10-31

Climate neutrality through networking in neighborhoods

Analysis and tool development for the development of transformation pathways to climate neutrality with the help of low-temperature networks in neighborhoods.
Overall lead for THRO input THRO: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Isabell Nemeth, Prof. Dr. Jochen Stopper

Bauen, Planen und Energie energieeffiziente Gebäude Energieeffizienz Klimaschutz Klimawandel nachhaltiges Bauen Nachhaltigkeit

Project duration: 2023-10-09 - 2023-12-31

Stärkung der praxisorientierten (Holzbau)-Lehre an der Technischen Hochschule Rosenheim im Rahmen der Holzbauinitiative Bayern

Project lead THRO: Dr. Sebastian Hirschmüller

Bautechnik Bioökonomie Holzbau Holztechnik Lehre Übergreifend

Project duration: 2023-10-01 - 2026-09-30

Electromagnetic susceptibility of MEMS microphones

The project aims to understand the effect of interfering, high-frequency coupling in a microphone installed in a mobile device (e.g. smartphone, tablet) and to reduce it by means of suitable measures.
Overall lead for THRO input THRO: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Matthias Winter

Automatisierung Digitale Transformation Mechatronik Produkte und Produktion

Project duration: 2023-10-01 - 2026-09-30

Injection molding of cellulose fibers - Development of the manufacturing process for paper applications for technical components that fall into tools

The overall aim of the research project is to enable the production of paper components using the injection molding process.
Overall lead for THRO input THRO: Prof. Dr. Manuela List, Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Martin Würtele

biologische Abbaubarkeit Bioökonomie Nachhaltigkeit Prozesstechnik Spritzgussverfahren Übergreifend Zellulosefasern

Project duration: 2023-10-01 - 2025-12-31

Recycled material in fiber-reinforced hybrid composites - ReProHybrid

Recycled material in fiber-reinforced hybrid composites

Kunststofftechnik Produkte und Produktion Recycling Werkstofftechnik

Project duration: 2023-10-01 - 2025-09-30

Preparatory studies on the use of beech in industrial OSB production

The project investigates the possibilities of using beech wood in the industrial production of OSB. To this end, the process chain from wood harvesting to the finished board is being examined in its entirety.
Overall lead for THRO input THRO: Prof. Dr. Andreas Michanickl

Bioökonomie Holztechnik Holzverarbeitung Werkstofftechnik

Project duration: 2023-10-01 - 2025-03-31

Cloud-based data warehouse infrastructure

Within proto_lab, a continuous data pipeline for discrete production/order processing will be developed within MS Azure by the end of 2023. This data pipeline must be expanded to include the collection of time series, primarily from the PDC level but also from the PDA level in 2024.

Digitale Transformation Roboter

Project duration: 2023-10-01 - 2024-09-30


The Secure Ultra Low Power IoT Device (SULPI) complete solution offers a comprehensive IoT solution consisting of SULPI hardware, SULPI software and MoxyByte cloud. It is designed for the highest security standards, maintainability and expandability and can be adapted to specific customer requirements.

Digitale Transformation Internet of Things KI ROCkET

Project duration: 2023-10-01 - 2024-09-30

Management in daycare centers, after-school care, open and tied all-day schools

The research project "Management in Kita, Hort, open and tied all-day schools" aims to make scientific findings in the field of gain scientific knowledge in the field of organizational design of educational institutions in order to successfully meet future needs. In view of the forthcoming legal entitlement to all-day care for primary school children from 2026 (All-Day Support Act), the project explores the resulting resulting management challenges. The research focuses on on daycare centers, after-school care and open and tied all-day schools. This project aims to identify growing requirements and contribute to the further development contribute to the further development of educational institutions.
Project lead THRO: Prof. Dr. Edeltraud Botzum

Ganztagesschule Gesundheitsmanagement Gesundheit, Sozialer Wandel und Wohlergehen Kita

Centre for Research, Development and Transfer

Technische Hochschule Rosenheim

Hochschulstraße 1
83024 Rosenheim


Support of publications

M.A. Laura Scholz

T +49 (0)8031 / 805 - 2689