Management in daycare centers, after-school care, open and tied all-day schools

The research project "Management in Kita, Hort, open and tied all-day schools" aims to make scientific findings in the field of gain scientific knowledge in the field of organizational design of educational institutions in order to successfully meet future needs. In view of the forthcoming legal entitlement to all-day care for primary school children from 2026 (All-Day Support Act), the project explores the resulting resulting management challenges. The research focuses on on daycare centers, after-school care and open and tied all-day schools. This project aims to identify growing requirements and contribute to the further development contribute to the further development of educational institutions.

Project background

The research project "Management in Kita, Hort, open and tied all-day schools" aims to gain new insights into the organizational the organizational design of educational institutions. The increasing importance of all-day care, including for primary school children, which legally anchored by the forthcoming All-Day Support Act from 2026 will present educational institutions with new and diverse management challenges. The project therefore focuses on daycare centers, after-school care as well as open and tied all-day schools. The central intention of the project project is to identify requirements for the management of these facilities.

The findings are to be compiled in a handbook and published in a handbook with working aids and to the breadth of the area of responsibility, and thus also the diversity of management and and management tasks in pedagogical facilities (e.g. child daycare and Child day care and large day care centers, day care centers, crèches, nurseries, after-school care, all-day schools, primary school partnerships, etc.): from training and work practice, operational and personnel management, service planning, financing, health promotion, conceptual and public relations public relations work, organizational structures, to socio-spatial networking and municipal cooperation structures as well as the resulting resulting cross-cutting issues.

In view of the growing importance and importance and complexity of pedagogical forms of provision and the increasing demand for all-day care, the further development of educational facilities is to be facilities should be promoted. The new findings should help to improve the quality of pedagogical work and promote professional approaches to management.

The development and research project is being research project is being carried out in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Irene Dittrich (University of Düsseldorf, Department of Educational Science with special consideration of quality and quality and management in childhood education). The publication is planned by WoltersKluwer.

Project procedure

Preparation, planning and research: this first step lays the basis for project communication is laid, and the focus is also on agreements on cooperation and communication processes are also the focus. This is followed by scientific research with the review and evaluation of scientific literature. Parallel to this, the acquisition of experts in the field of management in daycare, after-school care, open and tied all-day school.

Conducting the study and developing tools: After conducting the study, analyzing and evaluating the collected data the results processing phase follows with the conceptualization and selection of relevant relevant content and the creation of tools. A handbook is intended to The findings will be bundled in a handbook and made available for practical use.

Preparation of follow-up applications and reporting: the conception and formulation of applications for possible follow-up studies or third-party third-party funded projects are prepared to ensure the further development of the field of research. The written form of the collected results are written up in a final report that presents the findings and recommendations of the project in a compact form.

Project objective

The aim is to use the knowledge gained to provide professionals (in management positions) with targeted support for their management tasks and requirements in educational establishments. Overall, the project is intended to make a positive contribution to the further development of management in educational institutions, which have to deal with increasingly demanding requirements.


The project deals with a variety of challenges for the management of educational the management of educational institutions, which are expanding with the the All-Day Support Act and the legal entitlement to all-day care. will expand. In doing so, it deals in depth with the structural and organizational the structural and organizational (re)design of educational institutions and and, through cooperation with experts from science and practice a broad spectrum of empirical knowledge and specialist expertise in order to develop impulses to develop ideas that meet the needs of children, parents, educators and institutions.

Project lead

External project collaboration

Prof. Dr. Irene Dittrich
Hochschule Düsseldorf

Helena Müller
Hochschule Düsseldorf

Project duration

2023-10-01 - 2024-09-30

Project partners

Hochschule Düsseldorf