DidaktikCamp - Teaching without borders

The DiCaLoG project aims to promote communication on teaching-related topics across universities and to promote the exchange between lecturers at the Bavarian HAW/TH and with the network of teaching mentors. network of didactic mentors.

Project background

The network of didactic mentors would like to bridge the gap between the biennial Teaching Forum with the new formats DidaktikCamp and DidaktikCamp-Online. DidaktikCamp and DidaktikCamp-Online formats. Through varied analog and digital formats, an offer will be created, and students of all Bavarian HAWs a low-threshold exchange about teaching and exchange about teaching and didactics at a low threshold.

Project objective

Within the framework of the project, once a semester meetings (= didactics camps) are to take place once a semester at different Bavarian universities. The focus there will always be on teaching and didactics. The face-to-face meetings will be enriched with innovative workshop formats, such as e.g. a bar camp. In addition, the selection and implementation of an online communication platform (=DidaktikCamp-Online) will promote asynchronous exchange and continue the discourse on teaching and didactics will be continued.

Project procedure

There are regular face-to-face meetings at the HAWs (1x/semester) with changing venue, through which the dialog among the lecturers is to be should be stimulated, impulses set and needs identified. The establishment of an online communication platform continues the face-to-face meetings and promotes asynchronous exchange about teaching.

In questions can be clarified, discussed further or collegial feedback obtained in forums. These two components are interlinked through analog and digital formats fitting into each other.


The project DiCaLoG project, by institutionalizing the two components, has the effect of teaching and didactics at Bavarian universities of applied sciences is brought further into focus and thus new impetus can be given to teaching. The low-threshold access ensures that teaching staff are encouraged to engage in discussions and working groups on the further development of their teaching and to support each other.

Through the participation of students, increased exchange and informal discussions and informal discussions, the potential for innovation is increased and the hurdle for teachers to teaching concepts into their teaching.

Project lead

Project collaboration

Katharina Lehmann
T +49 (0) 89 / 20 20 540 77

Melanie Link
T +49 (0) 8031 / 805 - 2121

Project duration

2023-04-01 - 2025-03-31

Funding programme

Stiftung Innovation in der Hochschullehre