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Project duration: 2025-01-01 - 2027-12-31

Simulation and validation of (surface) quality characteristics of large-area lightweight components in injection molding with gas-loaded plastic melts

The aim of the project is to reduce the energy consumption in the thermoplastic foam injection molding by replacing energy-intensive variothermy with the use of novel coating strategies.

Produktionstechnik Energieeffizienz Produkte und Produktion Prozesstechnik Prozess- und Verfahrenstechnik Spritzguss Spritzgussverfahren Werkstofftechnik Werkstofftechnik und Materialwissenschaft

Project duration: 2022-04-01 - 2025-04-01

SelfSGMKI: Self-starting injection moulding machine with AI-supported optimization phase involving the experience of the machine operators

In the SelbstSGMKI project, the know-how of the injection molding process is digitally recorded. The set-up operation, the so-called filling study, is automated.

Produktionstechnik Digitale Transformation Kunststofftechnik Spritzguss