HERO - HEalth University @TH ROsenheim

The HERO project aims to develop a funding concept for the recruitment and development of scientific, in particular professorial, staff at Rosenheim Technical University of Applied Sciences for the field of health sciences in the sense of a blueprint in order to transfer this to other faculties.

Within the overall strategy of the university, an independent positioning is therefore to be realized under the term Health University@Rosenheim Technical University of Applied Sciences. This term stands for a holistic, future-oriented education, based on needs-oriented profiles for specialists in practice, research and teaching of the future in the field of health.

Project background

The healthcare industry in Germany is a growth sector on course for expansion. By 2030, one in five people will probably be working in the healthcare industry. The healthcare industry also plays a very important role within the Southeast Upper Bavaria planning region and neighboring districts. More than 10 percent of employees subject to social insurance contributions work in this sector.

The only university in the planning region is Rosenheim Technical University of Applied Sciences. It responded to the increasing importance of the healthcare sector back in 2012, establishing the Institute of Health and later the Faculty of Health and Social Sciences at the central Rosenheim site and introducing health-related degree courses. Future-oriented training of academic staff, especially professors, is therefore necessary for appropriate healthcare provision and the further development of teaching in this rapidly changing sector. As an analysis by Rosenheim Technical University of Applied Sciences has shown, there is a particularly high demand for academic and professorial staff in the growing field of health and social sciences.

However, a decline in qualified applications for professorships has been observed for several years. This is precisely where HERO comes in: Within the project, a multi-part funding concept is being developed to attract more academic, particularly professorial, staff at Rosenheim Technical University of Applied Sciences to the field of health sciences. This concept can then be transferred to the university's other faculties.

Project objective

In order to increase the number of professorships, the following objectives were defined:

1. To raise awareness of the university, its key areas of focus as a whole and to create a clear image or brand image of the university (employer branding)

2. Expanding knowledge about the job profile of professorships among potential applicants, especially professorships in the field of healthcare, which are still little known

3. Establishing flexible career paths with the aim of becoming a professor

4. Measures to increase the attractiveness of professorships

Project procedure

In order to implement the above-mentioned goals, strategies for a promising funding concept for the recruitment and development of scientific, in particular professorial, staff at the THRO were developed with the help of a SWOT analysis. Specific sub-projects (TV) were derived and developed from these strategies.

The three main pillars here are:

1. TV University-Practice-Partnerships (HPP): In order to enable and qualify young scientists with potential for HAW professorships, tandem programs are being set up in cooperation with regional companies from the healthcare sector in this sub-project

2. TV Health Education Center: In this sub-project, structures and processes for interprofessional teaching and research in real learning fields will be designed and implemented and evaluated using the example of a teaching and research outpatient clinic (LuFa) in order to network science and practice. Collaboration with external partners from the region's healthcare sector also plays a central role.

3. TV Digitalization and Flexibilization: In this sub-project, digital and flexible models of professorships and patient processes will be developed

The basis for these pillars will be:

TV Personnel Marketing: The area of personnel marketing will be expanded on the pilot of the Health University@THRO concept and measures will be developed to specifically address professorial applicants and expand the visibility and image of the university

TV Dual Career Service and Onboarding: A Dual Career Service will be established to promote equal opportunities and family and diversity-friendly personnel development. In addition, appropriate onboarding measures will be developed and implemented

Forming a common umbrella for the project:

TV Coordination: This sub-project is responsible for overall coordination, knowledge management and quality assurance in the project

TV University brand: In this sub-project, a university/health brand will be established by developing a targeted brand image that represents Rosenheim Technical University of Applied Sciences as a future health university



The Health University @Rosenheim Technical University of Applied Sciences stands for a holistic, future-oriented education based on demand-oriented profiles for professionals in practice, research and teaching in the field of health. Health is understood comprehensively in this context.

The focus is not only on the provision of healthcare, but also on the industrial, technical, economic and digital aspects associated with it.

Project lead

Sub-project lead

Project staff

M.Sc. Anita Breitwieser

M.Sc. Stephanie Brettner
T +49 (0) 8031 / 805 - 2866

M.Sc. Caren Horstmannshoff
T +49 (0) 8031 / 805 - 2814

M.Sc. Theresia Kiesel
T +49 (0) 8031 / 805 - 2328

M.Sc. Stephanie Schmidle

Johannes Hochwarter
T +49 (0) 8031 / 805 - 2914

Regina Hörand

M.A. Andrea Kastl
T +49 (0) 8031 / 805 - 2825

Christina Koch
T +49 (0) 8031 / 805 - 2912

Christina Pirker

Project duration

2023-01-01 - 2028-12-31

Project funding

Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung
Gemeinsame Wissenschaftskonferenz - GWK

Funding programme

FH Personal

Sustainable Development Goals