Under the title "MUNACU" - Multifunctional Natural Fiber Plastic Composites - a production plant is being acquired to develop innovative climate- and resource-friendly processes and products for vehicle construction and the construction sector.
The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) is providing almost 2.5 million in funding as part of the "Research at Universities of Applied Sciences" (FHInvest) program to expand research expertise at the university in the field of developing resource-saving materials based on wood and plastic. Under the title "MUNACU" - Multifunctional Natural Fiber Plastic Composites - a production plant for the development of innovative climate- and resource-friendly processes and products for vehicle construction, the construction sector, timber construction and furniture construction will be purchased with the millions in funding. This plant will be used to research different variants for the production of natural fiber-plastic composites through to finished components. These are to be used as alternatives to conventional energy- and cost-intensive products made from materials such as carbon or glass fibers.
University President Prof. Köster expressed his satisfaction: "With our application-oriented research activities, we are making an important contribution to the development of forward-looking energy- and resource-saving solutions, especially in the field of renewable raw materials. I am delighted that our interdisciplinary collaboration between wood and plastics technology has received a further boost thanks to the current funding. This strengthens Rosenheim University of Applied Sciences' position in Germany as a center of science."