NaVerPa: Development of a new sustainable material combination and its application for packaging using bioplastics and natural fibers

The aim is to develop new sustainable material combinations for packaging. Bio-based thermoplastics (biopolymers) and natural fibers and fillers (e.g. wood fibers) are to be used. The innovative character of the project lies in the use of both biopolymers and fibers in the form of renewable raw materials. This should make it possible to produce technically and mechanically sophisticated packaging in an environmentally friendly way.

Project background

Current political and social developments show a strong trend towards greater sustainability in the plastics and packaging industry. In line with the BioEconomy 2030 research strategy, this project aims to contribute to a more sustainable economy. By using renewable raw materials as a matrix and filling material, the aim is to contribute to the transformation from a petroleum-based economy to one based on renewable raw materials in line with the bioeconomy.

Project objective

The aim is to develop new sustainable material combinations for packaging. The use of natural fibres can achieve technical added value, material savings and additional functionalization (feel, look, smell).

Project procedure

The following problems must therefore be addressed as part of the project:

- Which applications come into question (e.g. packaging industry, cosmetics)?

- Which properties should be achieved?

- Which biopolymers come into question (market situation, properties, etc.)?

- Which wood fibres or other natural fibres are suitable (market situation, properties)?

- Can additional functionalization (e.g. fragrance) be achieved?

- Which additives are required (e.g. adhesion promoters)?

- How should the properties be tested (basic material tests, demonstrator component)?


The innovative character of this research project is the use of both biopolymers and reinforcing fibers in the form of renewable raw materials (e.g. wood fibers). This should make it possible to produce technically and mechanically sophisticated packaging in an environmentally friendly way.

Project lead

Project staff

M.Sc. Christian Bielenberg
T +49 (0) 8031 / 805 - 2637

Project duration

2019-10-01 - 2022-08-31

Project partners

INOTECH Kunststofftechnik GmbH

Project management agency

AiF Projekt GmbH

Project funding

Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz

Funding programme

Zentrale Innovation Mittelstand