Responsive image

Project duration: 2023-05-01 - 2026-04-30

KICK-PV: AI-based characterization and classification of PV systems for predictive maintenance

Improvement the precision of remote maintenance of photovoltaic systems using AI methods. Fault patterns are to be assessed according to and cause in order to prevent damage at an early stage.
Sub-project lead THRO: Prof. Dr. Achim Schulze

Energieeffizienz Energietechnik KI Künstliche Intelligenz Photovoltaik Übergreifend

Project duration: 2023-05-01 - 2025-04-30

Additive manufacturing 4.0 - Consistent and digital additive manufacturing

Additive manufacturing processes offer great potential for the design of complex components. The aim of the project is to overcome inhibitions and lack of basic knowledge in the field of digitalization and additive manufacturing are to be reduced.
Project lead THRO: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Fabian Riß

3D Druck Additive Fertigung Automatisierung Digitale Transformation

Project duration: 2023-04-01 - 2027-03-31

H2-Reallabor Burghausen / ChemDelta Bavaria

The aim of the H2-Reallabor Burghausen / ChemDelta Bavaria is the transformation of the industrial chemical value chain towards a sustainable hydrogen-based chemistry.

Bauen, Planen und Energie Energieeffizienz Energietechnik Prozesstechnik Wasserstoff Werkstofftechnik

Project duration: 2023-04-01 - 2026-03-31

ReBi - Ressourceneffiziente Bauteilinnovation durch additive Fertigungsverfahren im bayerischen und österreichischen Grenzraum

Sub-project lead THRO: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Fabian Riß

Additive Fertigung Digitale Transformation Klimaschutz Produkte und Produktion Ressourceneffizienz

Project duration: 2023-04-01 - 2026-03-31

Offenporige Schäume: Entwicklung neuartiger, thermoplastischer und biokompatibler Medical Grade Blends zur Herstellung von offenporigen Schäumen in angepasster Form des Thermoplastschaumspritzgusses

Sub-project lead THRO: Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Peter Karlinger

Kunststofftechnik Produkte und Produktion Prozesstechnik Spritzguss Verfahrenstechnik

Project duration: 2023-04-01 - 2025-03-31

DidaktikCamp - Teaching without borders

The DiCaLoG project aims to promote communication on teaching-related topics across universities and to promote the exchange between lecturers at the Bavarian HAW/TH and with the network of teaching mentors. network of didactic mentors.
Project lead THRO: Prof. Dr. Birgit Naumer

Gesundheit, Sozialer Wandel und Wohlergehen (Hochschul-)Didaktik Lehre

Project duration: 2023-02-01 - 2026-01-31

Innovationsnetzwerk Stoffliche Altholznutzung auf regionaler Ebene - REGULUS

Altholz Bioökonomie Holzbau Holztechnik Kreislaufwirtschaft Nachhaltigkeit Ressourceneffizienz

Project duration: 2023-02-01 - 2026-01-31

KSK: Climate protection management Rosenheim Technical University of Applied Sciences - follow-up project

Within the framework of the BMWK-funded project, the measures described in the climate protection concept for achieving the climate protection goals of the Rosenheim Technical University of Applied Sciences are to be implemented or initiated. The overarching goal is to make the university to achieve climate neutrality by 2040.
Sub-project lead THRO: Prof. Dr. Harald Krause

Bautechnik Energieeffizienz Klimaschutz

Project duration: 2023-01-01 - 2028-12-31

HERO - HEalth University @TH ROsenheim

Digitale Transformation Gesundheit Gesundheit, Sozialer Wandel und Wohlergehen Lehre Übergreifend

Project duration: 2023-01-01 - 2025-12-31

A-IQ Ready - Artificial Intelligence Using Quantum Measured Information for Real-time Distributed Systems at the Edge

Project lead THRO: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Noah Klarmann

Digitale Transformation Internet of Things KI Künstliche Intelligenz

Centre for Research, Development and Transfer

Technische Hochschule Rosenheim

Hochschulstraße 1
83024 Rosenheim


Support of publications

M.A. Laura Scholz

T +49 (0)8031 / 805 - 2689